Supporting Artists On Their Creative Journey

Enter your artwork in one of our group online call for art opportunities. Each Call for Art has a theme where you can submit your original or limited edition artwork that fits the theme. All artist accepted gain exposure on our website, social media and their work is available for purchase to the public.
A series of five online courses providing you with the essentials to grow your creative business. Learn at your own pace, in the comfort of your home. For any artist who has ever struggled with finding opportunities, pricing, artist statements and more.

A portfolio review provides artists with an outside perspective on current or past bodies of work. They help you narrow your focus, learn which pieces are strongest, and what direction to pursue with more depth. Limited session are available throughout the year. Learn more and submit your review today.
One-on-one mentoring is available to all artists of all levels at any point in their career. Three one-hour sessions within a 6 month timeline will help provide you with actionable steps to reach your goals and hold you accountable.
Limited sessions offered throughout the year.
Email Alexis to learn more and see if this is the right fit for you.